Congregational Activities
UU Fellowship in Chico
UUCF Religious Education Throughout the Lifespan
Spring 2023, I co-taught the Our Whole Lives Curriculum to Grades 7-9 at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Frederick. It has been beautiful building sacred space with our Director of Religious Education.
Electoral Justice Work
Useful Information - Good Trouble Celebration with a dance party
UU Congregation of Frederick shout out at 26:21
Average 20 postcards or letters per member
Average 200 text messages per member
Average 20 calls per member
Average 20 doorknocks per member
Reach 20 percent volunteer engagement
Average 2 newly registered voters per member
At least 2 congregants are line warmers, poll workers, or poll watchers
UU the Vote staff, President Susan Frederick-Gray and keynote speaker Tiffany Flowers from The Frontline. There was a special recognition ceremony for congregations as well as folks who served as poll workers and Election Defenders.
Plant Sale
Third annual plant sale, led by congregational leaders. This creates beauty, supports environmental connection, and built community both within the congregation and beyond our walls.
This connected new members, long time members and provided links between the community of communities of the congregation.
Working alongside congregants allowed conversations and connections to bloom.